
Campaign Conversions Catalyst.

Unlock New Opportunities with Leadgenelyst: Your Sales Team Extension for Personalized Cold Outreach. Ready to Close in 2 Weeks!

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Based on 40+ reviews

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Top Companies

Our main services

Our solutions that help you grow up

Setting up Cold-Email Infrastructure

We create an infrastructure required to start the cold emailing for you

Setting up Domains & Mailboxes

DNS config (SPF, DMARC, DKIM, Custom Tracking)

Warmup your email addresses

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Strategy & Campaign Setup (DFY)

We work with you to build the cold email outreach strategy from start to first cycle end and further.

Define ICP & Strategy

List Building & Copy writing

Campaign / Sequence Setup 

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Campaigns Setup and Management (Execution DFY)

We help set email sequences or campaigns keeping in mind the best practices & email deliverability

Setup Audit & Copy Optimization

Campaigns Setup & Management

Email Deliverability & Reports

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Sharing and cross promotion

Includes using high-quality keywords to write strategic content that ranks, as well as descriptive metadata and meaningful image alt text.


Email Campaigns Management

Includes all the links and ads from outside your website that point people to your website, like press releases, guest blogs, and paid search engine ads.

A little about us

Preferred by Top Brands in Emerging Markets

2.5 B
Related keywords
100 M
Competitors keywords
48 K
Supported locations
Year founded

Discover how businesses likes our strategies.

“I don’t see anyone else in this space providing the level of insight brings to the table. They understand data beyond the vanity metrics often provided.

Kevin Smith
Merchandising Manager

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making word

Keaton Stancato
Founder/CEO at Fluxi Digital

It’s like having a superpower! I’ve tried almost every alternative and competitor and haven’t found anything quite as easy to use as Fluxi marketing.

Dane Whitney
Creative and Identity Partner

By using Fluxi, we've gotten so much of our time back that we're now able put towards things that are actually helping our company as opposed.

Kevin Smith
Merchandising Manager

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making word

Keaton Stancato
Founder/CEO at Fluxi Digital

It’s like having a superpower! I’ve tried almost every alternative and competitor and haven’t found anything quite as easy to use as Fluxi marketing.

Dane Whitney
Creative and Identity Partner
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